Monday 3 August 2020

Required Field User Property in Siebel

Required Field User Property:
To make "Spouse Name" field mandatory on the UI, when user checked the field "Married" to True.

Create Field User Prop for "Spouse Name" field :
Name : Required
Value : IIf ([Married] = "Y", "Y", "N")

Compile the SRF by using one implementation at a time and see the difference.

Friday 3 August 2018

Siebel Open UI Interview Questions

Siebel Open UI Interview Questions:

Below links can help you with Siebel Open UI Interview Questions.

Happy Learning!!

Siebel Interview Questions

Siebel Interview Questions:

*********************SET 1*********************

What is an extension table and how is it related to base table? Give an example.

What is the difference between Join and Link?
How does your b/c and view relate?
When do we go for BC level user properties
Constrainted picklist displayed value based on contraint used.
What is the difference between "PickList Generic" and "PickList Hierarchical" Business components?
What is the function of SWSE on the Web Server?
What is the use of LDAP user?
What is s_party table?
Which are the tables used by Workflow Manager to execute the workflow process?
Draw the Siebel server architecture
Draw the Siebel Layered architecture
Which type of clients access the server through Object Manager?
a) HTML Thin Client

b) Dedicated Client

c) Mobile Client

d) Windows/Java Thin Client

/*****************************SET 2**************************/

If an pickapplet is activated from an applet. Discribe how the data is fetched to the applet using the siebel architecture.

How to configure an MVG
Is BC necessary for applet
what are joins and different types of join
Position and Responsibility
How is user created
what if the user cannot login
what if he can login but cannot see anything
what is BS
can a BS be called from a Server Script or Browser Script
does the Browser script works by itself or any other setting is required
what is Repository BS and Client BS
what is the default class of Repository BS
Search Spec
Is the BC a required field in the picklist
Hierarchial Picklist
Joins & Links
Can 2 Business Objects be linked
Can any 2 Business Components be linked
Relation between Table and BCs
Can a BC refer to only one table or more? How?
Web Services in Interface

/****************SET 3*********************/

If SR is a parent applet and Activities is the child, will deletion of SR also delete the activities associated with it. If no then what setting will ensure this.

If SR is a parent applet and Activities is the child, if a SR is closed will the related Activities become read only or not. If not, how can it be achived
If I log in and move to Accounts screen. I am able to insert, delete or merge accounts. However, you would only be able to see the account. how can this be achived
How the output returned from the BS
Working of one workflow that you are confident about
Few User Properties
How is a button configured on an applet
How is a workflow called via button
How is a BS called via button
One example where config can be used instead of scripting
How is sort specification used on an Applet, & on BC
Where are PDQs defined
How to get login Id of users using script.
Best practices of Scripting
How is a BC instantiated and Fields values retrived in Scripting
Whats the life cycle of a requirement

/***************SET 4****************************/

Draw a workflow ::Depending upon account type, something should get updated.

Difference between User, Employee and Contact
Party model, Why is party model required
Assignment manager
Why is MVL required for making MVG
Is sort spec available at applet level
When should a code be written in PreWrite method and when in Write method
Sequence of Script method firing
Parent value in child applet. ie. Account-Contact view, how will you get the Account details on the Contact applet
What is code to invoke Business Service
Error handling
Standards followed while coding
What are user properties and what all have you used
Have you configured an MG
How does a class matter in defining of Business Component
Access control and have you used them
Hierarchical pick list, how to configure them
Cascade delete. Where it exists and what it is
Using button, call workflow.
Where are the PDQ defines
· Admin- Application: but only admin can access it.

· We can create Queries and save them as PDQs

/********************SET 5*******************/

SR detail applet and Activities list applet are there on a view. You want to display the number of activities for that SR in the SR detail applet. How? --> count(MVL)

Different ways to grant access to a view --> Personalization, Applet User Property (NoDataHide), Responsibility
How to coordinate time in a global application --> UTC Date Time - Type
drill down
Employee, Contact, User
What application is Call Center? -->Horizontal
IFB file in detail
Workflow propeties for email
S_Party structure
Runtime events(money withdrawl)
Exception handling (eScripts)
On Error Resume Next
Difference between Server scripts & browser scripts.
Profile attributes
Global Variables
If a field value is changed from 10 to 20 & control is moved to the next field without saving the record. what would be the value of BC.PreSetFieldValue & BC.SetFieldValue --> 10

/*****************************Set 6********************/

State model (restrict transition)

Ø Restrict the transition between states

Ø Restrict transition for login and position

If all the three Agreement items are closed then the Agreement should get closed. OR if all the Products in the Opportunity are lost then the Opportunity is also lost–-scriptless-siebel/

Stastatic Drilldown: Drilldown on a field in the list applet navigates to the form (detail) applet. However, the record in the form applet is different from the one on which drill down was done. (say drill down is done on 10th record 1-12ABC on the list applet but it navigates to 1-45XYZ in the detail applet). Why?

Dril Down

Dynamic Drilldown: The drilldown navigates to a view which is not specified in any of the conditions. Why?
View wont be registered in

Where are triggers stored?

Where are workflow policies stored?

How is workflow fired?

How can I invoke a popup message in a workflow?

No way it will crash the system

How can I pass the popup message to other BC which is not related to the one on which the workflow is based?

Error management is scripting

In an applet, if a record is closed, then all fields in the record should become read-only but for one field. How can this be achieved.

'Display Mask Char' field user property in Siebel

'Display Mask Char' field user property in Siebel:

We can use 'Display Mask Char' Field User Proprety for masking.
Suppose we have to mask the field Credit Card Number.


Go the particular BC and there add a New Calculated Field say Credit Card Number Display. Tick the Calculated property true and leave the Value as blank.Now come to the Field User Property & here give the Display Mask Char as Name & Value as x.Now give the Encrypt Source Field Field User Property as Name and Value as the Credit Card Number . And give the value as the Credit Card Number.Expose the same fields at UI level & compile.

Hope it helps!!
Happy Learning.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Siebel Open UI Benefits/Advantages

Siebel Open UI Benefits/Advantages:

a. Improved User Interface
Traditional Siebel user interface is driven by web template files (SWT) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Except SWT and CSS, Open UI supprots Javascript as well as JQuery. In Siebel Open UI, redesigned user interface has modern look and feel, new controls (such as MVG, Picklist, Calendar, Calculator), better tab navigation. Open UI supports internet browser functions also like Print, Zoom, Find, Bookmarking.

b. Mobility
Siebel Open UI has the capability to adjust screen length dynamically for different devices like tablets or smartphones. It has out of box integration with mobile functions like GPS, Email, Calendar sync, Calls, Multi touch gesturing.

c. Device and Platform Independent
Siebel Open UI is completely device, platform and browser independent application. To run Siebel HI application, you have to have Internet Explorer installed with ActiveX. But Siebel Open UI does not need ActiveX. Also it can run on any modern browser like IE, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari that supports JavaScript.

d. Shorter Development Cycle
This is one of the major Siebel Open UI advantages over traditional Siebel application. Open UI supports client side customization on run time. It allows to add JavaScript for field validation, business service calling and application layout change. As JavaScript is client side customization, it does not need SRF compilation. You can use JavaScript APIs to manipulate Siebel data like display one field based upon another field value on run time. This repository independent development makes Siebel Open UI more interesting.

You can use browser tools like Inspector, Debugger to develop and test CSS and JavaScript. We will discuss more about browser tools in later module (Siebel Open UI theme).

All these enhanced features help developers to customize application quickly and more efficiently.

With Innovation Pack 2013, Oracle has introduced Incremental Repository Merge that accelerates repository upgradation process without going through major upgrade project.

IRM is not part of our Siebel Open UI training series. To read more about IRM, click here: Incremental Upgrade of Siebel Innovation Pack 2013

To read more about common errors during IRM, click here: Siebel Incremental Repository Merge – errors that we faced

e. Enhanced Out Of Box feature
Siebel Open UI comes with many built in features like
-->escape key to undo
-->disable right click to increase user experience
-->less use of horizontal scrollbar
-->supports GPS, Google Maps, Email

f. Support custom theme
By default open UI comes with two themes – Tabbed and Tree (Accordion). You can add custom theme or modify out of box themes as per requirement. Users can choose their favorite theme from Tools > User Preference.

Beside Siebel Open UI benefits, there are few limitations as well.
It does not support automatic logout on closing the browser
It does not do implicit commit on browser back button click
It does not allow to edit attachment content on the fly. Users have to download the file, update, save and upload the modified file again.
It does not support Standard Interactivity(SI) applet. Wherever SI Applet comes in the application, you will see a message box ‘Why can’t I see this applet‘.
To enable Siebel Open UI, parameters ‘EnableOpenUI‘ and ‘HighInteractivity‘ must be set to ‘True‘.

If you are using Web client, follow below steps to verify parameters’ values:

Login into Siebel application as an Administrator
Navigate to Application-Server Configuration and select the server on Servers view
Query for the Application Object Manager (AOM) component on Component view for which you want to enable Open UI mode

EnableOpenUI = TRUE
HighInteractivity = TRUE

In the Component Parameter view tab, query below two parameters and update values as ‘TRUE‘
Logout from the application and restart Siebel Server
For dedicated client, add these two parameters in the client cfg file.

If your Siebel Open UI application is not properly configured, you may face this error – ‘Your version of the Siebel High Interactivity Framework for IE, required for use of this Siebel application, may not be current‘. This message pops up when your application is not running in Open UI mode.

Key points from the first module of Siebel Open UI training series:

1) Siebel Open UI is device, platform and browser independent web application

2) It enables developers to do repository independent customization

3) Siebel Open UI benefits
-->Improved User Interface
-->Device and Platform Independent
-->Shorter Development Cycle
-->Enhanced Out Of Box feature
-->Support custom theme
4) To enable Open UI mode, you must set below two parameters to TRUE

               EnableOpenUI = TRUE

               HighInteractivity = TRUE

Thursday 19 January 2017

Hover in Siebel Open UI
On hover make the characters bold:

Requirement was to make bold on hover.We achieved the same by writing code in Applet PR file.



(a)var interactionusageappid = appletMap["<Applet Name>"].GetFullId();

$("#" + interactionusageappid).find('.leftRightArrow').hover(function() {
                    }, function() {

(b)var interactionusageappid = appletMap["<Applet Name>"].GetFullId();

$("#" + interactionusageappid).find('.carousel-indicators').find('.radioToggle').hover(function() {
$(this).addClass("borderForCarousalHighlight1").removeClass("carousel-     indicators li");
}, function() {
$(this).addClass("carousel-indicators li").removeClass("borderForCarousalHighlight1");

I hope this might help someone with the similar requirements.
Your comments are most welcome!!

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Hi Friends,

We got 2 requirement to restrict the text limit visible  in a box in Siebel Open UI .

First: Text visible in a single line and extra text to be hidden as below:

The second line is a text field which can have text length that cannot fit in the text box.So instead of getting it visible outside the text box we had to restrict the text in the box.This can easily be achieved by applying ellipsis css class.

ellipsis{width: 200px !important;
 text-overflow: ellipsis;
 white-space: nowrap;
 overflow: hidden;}

Second: Text visible in 2 lines and extra text to be hidden as below:

The second line is a text field which can have text length that cannot fit in the text box.So instead of getting it visible outside the text box we had to restrict the text in 2 lines within the box .This  I could not  achieve by applying ellipsis css class as it resricts the text in single line ad so it doesnot fulfill our requirement.So I decided to write a functiuon in our Siebel PR file.

                      var myTag = $('#des2Para1div1').text();
if (myTag.length > 80)
                                var truncated = myTag.trim().substring(0, 80) + "…";

Note: $('#des2Para1div1').text() will get the text value of the field.

By using the above function I was able to restrict the extra text within 2 lines within the box.

Your comments are most welcome on this.